how I got started on this whole thing...


Over the course of a decade, I really honed into this whole macrame started off as a hobby, that soon turned into a full-blown relationship.

Making special pieces for the little sunshines that have crawled into my life has led me to creating my own line of nursery decor.

There is no better 'pick me up' than decorating a nursery, it's the perfect excuse to unleash my inner child. Plus, the little one's room is hands down the best space in the house.


I’m Northern California raised, with a mix of spunky Brooklyn blood & sweet as pie, small-town Pennsylvania genes. I'm five feet small & have lived in many tiny spaces. Which, in a strange turn, led me to find a knack for ‘macrame-ing’.

I spent my twenties living in impossibly small apartments in New York City. To stay sane, I knew I had to get organized. So, I ended up on YouTube, (as a DIYer does), to learn about all things macrame. 

At first, I made pieces that hang to save space in my small apartment, such as hanging lights, plant hangers, yada yada yada…

My hobby soon turned into my new routine, becoming my affordable therapy & method of meditation. 

I thought I only liked my work. When I saw my friends were into it too, it gave me the gumption to put it on Etsy. After seeing such a strong response to my Etsy shop, I'm taking the leap to let it grow into a small business.

I'm forever starstruck by every order placed & every review posted. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that my work is in people's homes or how this whole thing has unfolded for me thus far.

So here’s to hoping that this side-to-full-time hustle works out...